The Fort Ukraine


Sunday 4pm

For evening church service we use both theUkrainian and English languages. Usually, we have prayer time, a sermon, and of course, tea time and conversation.

Неділя 16:00

Для вечірньої служби ми використовуємо українську та англійську мови. Зазвичай у нас є час для молитви, проповіді і, звичайно, час для чаювання та спілкування.

Pastor Igor

Having recently moved from the Ukraine, Pastor Igor and his family have settled in Casper. God’s call on their lives led them to planting their church within The Fort Ministry.

Pastor Igor and his wife are passionate about sharing God’s love with all they encounter!

Freedom Ministry

We are praying and working to start a Christian-based recovery program to help people fight against addiction and receive freedom.

This program is focused on preventative education to fight against addiction issues in the community.